No Crap App: w/b 27 Aug 2012

The week that was…

It was a HUGE week politically, jammed chock-full with political trade-offs, policy announcements and tragic deaths. The previous week’s political fascination with Tony Abbott’s truthiness had mostly passed, with questions now being raised over the challenge of either party delivering costly new policies when tax receipts are falling.

There were some interesting pieces on how the leaders are faring, quite a bit of soul searching on our continued presence in Afghanistan, and an insightful piece on the scrapping of the floor price for carbon. The additional good reads ponder the purpose of SBS’s Go Back to Where You Came From, feature Shaun Carney’s last piece as he departs the good ship Fairfax, and provide a profile of Greens’ leader Christine Milne.

P.S. When Financial Review articles are not behind the paywall, I have marked them as [free].

How will they/we pay for it?

Spotlight on the leaders

The war

Carbon price

Other important reads

Sunday addition