Misha Schubert

No Crap App: w/b 20 Aug 2012

Lobbecke, Aust 25 Aug 2012

The week that was…

In a scene reminiscent of a scifi movie, the entire Canberra Press Gallery shook themselves awake this week and “realised” that Tony Abbott has been playing fast and loose with the facts.Today’s papers are full of it (and yes, there have been exceptions). Meanwhile the Rudd camp continued its campaign using compliant journalists to blow on the embers of the 17 year-old Slatergate story.

Matters of import were also considered. Ben Eltham pondered the nexus between what the electorate wants and what it’s willing to pay for; Tiffin and Gittens previewed their book on PM Howard’s economic record, and Grog also pondered the the Howard “Golden Years”. Yet again, Jonathan Green made us think about the media that we consume daily. Lastly, I’ve included a link to an excerpt from Greg Jericho’s excellent Rise of the Fifth Estate.

Abbott lies and the campaign against Gillard

Economic issues

Thinky pieces

No Crap App: w/b 7 May 2012

Moir, SMH 8 May 2012

The week that was….

It was Budget week, the political fallout from which is becoming known as the various post-Budget polls are published. The media devoted forests of column inches and Kilowatts of electrons to Budget reportage, analysis and opinion. I’ve collected here links to the best pieces immeditately after the budget and also from the end-of-week analysis.

Also listed are some interesting pieces from Antony Green and Mumble on the permutations of various impending elections. And an excellent piece from Jonathan Green about the changed nature of political debate.

The budget

Abbott’s response

End of the week analysis

Whereto from here?

Don’t forget to check the other No Crap App pages: Longer Reads, Political Profiles and Whither Australian Political Journalism.

No Crap App: w/b 27 Feb 2012

Non leadership


Monday (before the vote)

Tuesday (after the vote)



Damn! How do I get past the paywall?

Bill Leak, Australian 3 Mar 2012

No crap app: w/b 23 Jan 2012

David Rowe, AFR 24 Jan 2012

No Crap App: w/b 9 Jan 2012

David Pope, Canberra Times 11 Jan 2012

Please note I don’t exclude stories that are behind paywalls