Rodney Tiffen

No Crap App: w/b 9 Feb 2015

Letch, SMH 13 Feb 2015

Letch, SMH 13 Feb 2015

Abbott / leadership


Other thinkiness

By request, my posts for the week

No Crap App: w/b 2 Jun 2014

Pope, Canberra Times 6 Jun 2014

Pope, Canberra Times 6 Jun 2014



Senate voting reform





And my posts for the week




No Crap App: w/b 20 Aug 2012

Lobbecke, Aust 25 Aug 2012

The week that was…

In a scene reminiscent of a scifi movie, the entire Canberra Press Gallery shook themselves awake this week and “realised” that Tony Abbott has been playing fast and loose with the facts.Today’s papers are full of it (and yes, there have been exceptions). Meanwhile the Rudd camp continued its campaign using compliant journalists to blow on the embers of the 17 year-old Slatergate story.

Matters of import were also considered. Ben Eltham pondered the nexus between what the electorate wants and what it’s willing to pay for; Tiffin and Gittens previewed their book on PM Howard’s economic record, and Grog also pondered the the Howard “Golden Years”. Yet again, Jonathan Green made us think about the media that we consume daily. Lastly, I’ve included a link to an excerpt from Greg Jericho’s excellent Rise of the Fifth Estate.

Abbott lies and the campaign against Gillard

Economic issues

Thinky pieces

No Crap App: w/b 25 Jun 2012

Pope, Canberra Times 28 Jun 2012

The week that was…

The main political events this week had a common underlying theme: craven politics barely hidden behind a tattered moral veil. Whether it was the Slipper/ Ashby saga (no links provided), asylum seekers or the future of Fairfax, those who made the loudest claims to integrity were often the ones most blatantly pursuing political ends.

The links provided this week on asylum seekers cover a broad range of considered pieces exploring the dilemma, while other links explore why Fairfax matters, the tricky concept called public interest, and a media owner’s right to set editorial policy.

Finally, there’s a preview from George Megalogenis on the carbon price, which comes into force on Sunday.

Asylum seekers

Future of Fairfax

Carbon price

George Megalogenis: Gillard’s stab in the dark

Sunday addition