Mark Latham

No Crap App: w/b 1 July 2013

Lobbecke, Aust 4 Jul 2013

Lobbecke, Aust 4 Jul 2013

Rudd 2.0

Reform of NSW Labor



No Crap App: w/b 4 Mar 2013

Rowe, AFR 6 March 2013

Rowe, AFR 6 March 2013

The politics of employment

What Labor stands for

Festival of western Sydney

Other good pieces

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No Crap App: w/b 24 Sep 2012

Rowe, AFR 26 Sept 2012

The week that was…

Normally I wouldn’t give much exposure to the latest leadership speculation stories, arising as they seem to do regularly in the days leading up to the latest Newspoll. But Tanner’s intervention this week was notable not only for its timing but also for the issues that he raises. Not that he proffered any solutions.

I’ve also included some good analysis pieces following the past parliamentary fortnight, and pieces by Tingle and Jericho to remind us about the importance of the economy in all things political. There’s also a link to the AFR Magazine’s annual Power List (which as far as I can tell is outside the paywall.


Gillard,Tanner and Rudd

Milne’s address to the NPC

The economy

Food for thought

AFR Magazine Power Issue [free]

No Crap App: w/b 20 Aug 2012

Lobbecke, Aust 25 Aug 2012

The week that was…

In a scene reminiscent of a scifi movie, the entire Canberra Press Gallery shook themselves awake this week and “realised” that Tony Abbott has been playing fast and loose with the facts.Today’s papers are full of it (and yes, there have been exceptions). Meanwhile the Rudd camp continued its campaign using compliant journalists to blow on the embers of the 17 year-old Slatergate story.

Matters of import were also considered. Ben Eltham pondered the nexus between what the electorate wants and what it’s willing to pay for; Tiffin and Gittens previewed their book on PM Howard’s economic record, and Grog also pondered the the Howard “Golden Years”. Yet again, Jonathan Green made us think about the media that we consume daily. Lastly, I’ve included a link to an excerpt from Greg Jericho’s excellent Rise of the Fifth Estate.

Abbott lies and the campaign against Gillard

Economic issues

Thinky pieces

No Crap App: w/b 30 Jul 2012

Pat Campbell, Canberra Times, 1 Aug 2012

The week that was…

On the face of it, this last week before the recommencement of federal parliament was bereft of solid news and analysis, replaced instead by wall-to-wall coverage of the Olympics.

But a closer inspection uncovered a swath of interesting pieces. The best of the obligatory analyses of Swan’s speech are provided here, along with predictions of next steps by the major political players. Tad Tietze’s latest on the Greens is also featured.

There are links here too that will take you to considerd thought pieces on the media, including long reads from MP Andrew Leigh and the report “Journalism at the speed of light.” Also included are the only two stories on the Olympics that I read this week 🙂

Bruce, Wayne and the economy






Damn, how can I get past the paywall?